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Jelleke de Nooy

Transition to AgroEcology, for a food secure world was published early October 2016. It is available as E-book, hard and soft cover on authorhouse.com and amazon.com as paperback and hardcover, and will shortly be available as e-book as well. It deals with the transition in agriculture that is going on, towards worldwide agroecological practices.

It is divided into 3 parts, which you can read free of charge on issuu.com.

1. Transition to Agroecology, why necessary? It is about to be or not to be for the world as a whole. It also gives some insights in what agroecology is and how good soil health management contributes to good food.

2. Twenty six examples of best practices in closed loop farming, conservation agriculture, farming with nature, greening the deserts and sustainable value chains show us how we can make the change. They are the pioneers and frontrunners that we can easily follow, in order to reach the Tipping Point together.

3. Transition, how it works and how to support it. What you can do as an investor, politician, farmer, consumer or researcher.

The YELLOW PAGES for AGROECOLOGY give an overview of all organisations in the world that work towards mainstreaming Agro-ecology, in various ways. Those YELLOW PAGES are also accessible on issuu.com. An updated version will be downloadable from THIS site by the end of October. If you or your organisation are missing, please let me know on jelleke51 AT gmail.com, and I will add you to the YELLOW PAGES.

Enjoy reading!
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